Primary crushers are extremely robust equipment for the primary crushing of material of different origin and typology.
They crush and reduce the size of the input material, homogenizing this size to the dimensions required for the following stages of the process: conveying, storage, dosing, secondary crushing.
- 2- or 3-shaft shredding system.
- Rotation in the opposite direction and at different speeds.
- Shredding blades or eagle beaks in anti-wear material.
- Shredding effect by impact and friction or tearing of the material.
- Uniformity of elements and optimum design to reduce maintenance work and spare parts stock to a minimum.
- Reduced maintenance and low cost.
Paper waste, wood waste, end-of-life tires, rubber, clay, limestone, gravel, feldspar, phosphate, magnesite, barite, bauxite, bentonite, kaolin, dolomite, hard coal, lignite, marble, coke, sepiolite, talc, gypsum.
Possibility of a third primary dosing shaft in the upper part according to the needs. The mission of this shaft is to push the material and break the large pieces that may occasionally arrive, forcing them to pass through the lower shafts, thus avoiding the formation of bridges.
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