Hammermills Screener
Hammermills Screener
INGEPROA designs and manufactures screeners for any type of hammer mills and crushers in the international market. We have the necessary machinery to manufacture screening screeners of different diameters and thicknesses, being one of the few companies in Spain to have such machinery. Our products are compatible, among others, with hammer mills of the series:
- CS-31/0-S
- CS-31/1-A
- CS-31/1-S
- TL-42/03-MPB
- TL-42/04-MPB
- TR-51
- TR-70
Our screens are manufactured from high quality carbon steel for a long service life, and we offer fast delivery times thanks to our extensive inventory. Keep your grinding and crushing equipment operating efficiently by using high quality INGEPROA screens.
We have all the parts you need to keep your hammer mill running smoothly. Contact us today for replacement or support parts, and make sure you get exactly the part you need.
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