




The INGEPROA ID with UPN profile, provides constant product flow, chassis robustness and minimum maintenance.

Drum or counter-drum motor or return.

Possibilities of tubes from diameters D160mm. to D600mm. and calibrated shafts up to D250mm.

Hot vulcanized by autoclave with different materials on demand; food grade rubber, natural rubber, polyurethane, etc…

Drive Drums Rubberized or autoclaved hot vulcanized with different coatings on request; food grade rubber, natural rubber, polyurethane, etc.

Coatings on request; food grade rubber, natural rubber, polyurethane, etc…

Wide range of possibilities in manufacturing diameters, both in tube and shaft.

Shafts based on ST52 machined rolled rounds or calibrated rounds in F-111, F-114 or special steels on request.

Upon request.

Product Sheet

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