Equipped with two large flywheels that guarantee a smooth and silent operation, while stabilizing the power consumed. Depending on the model, they are equipped with two adjustable heat sources by means of armored tubular heaters located at the front or at the front and rear.
This prevents the shredded material from sticking to the surfaces, thus allowing to work at full capacity with material containing a high percentage of humidity.
- -High granulometry reduction
- -Exclusive internal heating system facilitating cleaning and avoiding clogging.
- -Variation of granulometry according to customer’s
- -Compact and highly productive installations -Maximum energy efficiency
- -Maximum energy efficiency
- Interchangeable hammers made of anti-wear alloy – Adjustable breaking plates
- -Adjustable breaking plates
- Wear zones protected by special steel interchangeable elements -Inspection door
- -Inspection door
The shredder greatly reduces settling in biomethanization processes.
Thanks to its adjustable breaker, which can be moved towards or away from the hammers, it is possible to control the particle size obtained. The organic product resulting from shredding thus has a homogeneous and uniform appearance.
Product Sheet
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