WI8101E Integrator

WI8101E Integrator

WI8101E Integrator


The industrial weighing terminal WI8101e BELT captures continuously the quantity of bulk material conveyed over a belt weigher for both, batching and receiving operations. WI8101e BELT connects to a belt weigher structure with one load receptor with one or several analog loadcells.

The weighing terminal is suitable for harsh environment weighing locations, it is incorporated in a stainless steel desktop / wall-mount or panel-mount housing with high ingress protection.

WI8101e BELT operates as stand alone unit or in combination with a PLC or a SCADA system. It can be configured for the simple capturing of quantities, but also for complex batching applications with preset target and adjustable preact correction.

Powerful PID controller
WI8101e BELT provides a PID controller for feed rate monitoring. The PID controller allows tracking of the actual feed rate with reference to the target by adapting either the material input or the belt speed, through a closed loop control with analog output or connected frequency inverter. The target flow may be adjusted by keyboard, analog input or fieldbus at any time, also during running operation.

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