The basic operation of this type of equipment is essentially the same. A sample cutter stops on one side of a moving stream of material. When it is desired to collect a sample increment, the cutter drive assembly (which varies depending on the type of equipment) will move the cutter through the material stream at a constant speed, collecting a sample increment.
In the case of bypass type cutters (i.e., the sample material is directed from the material stream to another area), the sample increment is directed to a sample discharge area of the sampling equipment, where it is either collected for off-line use or moved to the next equipment installed in the sampling system. Once the cutter clears the material stream, the sampling equipment stops the cutter on the opposite side of the material stream. The next increment is collected by moving the cutter again in the direction of the first stop position.
If the sampling equipment in question has a bottom discharge type cutter, the sample cutter will pass through the material flow at a constant speed, collecting the material within it. Once the cutter reaches the other side of the material flow, the cutter will open to release the material back into the main flow. The cutter will then pass through the material flow, collect the sample increment, stop again at the original stop position and empty the sample increment into a discharge hopper. The material is then collected for off-line use or passed to the next piece of equipment in the sampling system.
It is also important to note that some bottom discharge sampling equipment may have a sample discharge point on both sides of the material flow. In this case, the operation would be as described with the bypass type cutter.
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