The double shafts mixer is designed for the correct Homogenization of the mixture of different materials and water.
The versatility lies in the incorporation of adjustable blades, which ensure an optimum advance of material for each product, and a design of transmission that confers a speed suitable to the quality of material required.
Mixing shafts. with variable orientation blades, to achieve a perfect mixing with any type of material.
Support of the shaft on spherical bearings, carrying axial shafts on the head to avoid the bending of the shafts
- High mixing performance with reduced consumption
- Adjustable for mixing of each type of product
- Reduced maintenance costs.
- Automatic clutch
- Sealed gearbox with lubricated gears and carved in special steel
- Shafts mounted on spherical roller bearings
- Low speed to increase mixing quality grinding
- Joint of mixing shafts to the reducer by means of floating plates
Our wide range of manufacturing allows different productions. The low speed of rotation of the wheel shafts, gives us the guarantee of a high degree of mixing.
Product Sheet
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