Vibrating screens can classify most materials, from powdery materials to materials of considerable dimensions, with very low wear and minimal maintenance. Materials are screened by micro-screening. The material is forced to impinge directly against the screening surface a precise number of times per second.
Vibration screening is gentle and respectful of the material, causing minimal material degradation. Vibrating screens can be supplied sealed to prevent material leakage and protect the environment.
Lineal or circular movement.
Non-Vibrating elements included
Open or close concept.
Type of Grids:
- High strength steel
- Stainless steel AISI 304 or AISI 316
- Perforated anti-wear
- Cantilevered metal bars
- Anti-abrasive polyurethane
- Anti-abrasive rubber
- Elastic polyurethane mesh
- Steel ST-44.2, ST-52.3
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