AB38, 15/6
Belt feeders are designed for the continuous and uniform storage and continuous and uniform storage and dosing of different of different materials. They are especially suitable for solid materials for solid materials, including clays.
Their drive roller is driven by a geared motor with a frequency converter option. frequency converter option. For materials with a high degree of humidity, the equipment is equipped with drums with special drums with a special coating of high adherence ceramic material to ceramic material with high adherence to the belt.
- Reinforced steel chassis
- Length and width adapted to every need
- Variable production
- Reliability and regularity in production
- Reinforced structure
- Reduced maintenance and low cost
- Inspection door
- Rotation detector
- Drive with removable bearings
- Rotation detector on rear roller
- Special bearing housings
- Self-adjusting scraper
- Watertightness
- Safety according to UNE EN 12100 standard
Product Sheet
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