Screw conveyors are used to transport bulk materials in horizontal, vertical, or diagonal directions. With a product specific design, customers receive a total solution that flawlessly connects to your process.
The configuration of a screw conveyor depends not only on the type of (bulk) material, but also on aspects such as moisture, temperature, ATEX risk zone as well as the actual process and mechanical requirements.
Our screw conveyors are for their reliability, improving uptime of the systems. The construction and parts have proven their sturdiness over the years while features such as wear resistance, corrosion protection or intermediate bearings prolong the service life. In this way.
- Different blade types (full blade, ribbon, paddle blade and a combination of these)
- Different blade configurations (wear resistant, perforated blades, synthetic cladding)
- Pitch and diameter variations
- Range of inlet- and discharge systems
- Various types of housing (carbon- or stainless steel, flexible housing, pressure vessel design)
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